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We sing on the FIRST Sunday of these months in 2024: February, April, June, September and November.

Sunday, 1 September, 2024: 1–2.30pm [Meetup event link here; you can just turn up but letting us know you’re coming helps us know how many biccies to buy 😜 ]
Co-led by Tati and Juliet, with a couple of folky songs, among others.

Sunday, 3 November, 2024: 1–2.30pm [Meetup event link here]
Led by our special guest, Val Regan, who among a million other musical projects, leads Sheffield’s LGBT choir, Out Aloud. NOT TO BE MISSED!

Earlier events in 2024 were:

Sunday, 4 February, 2024: 1–2.30pm [Meetup event link here ]

Sunday, 7 April, 2024: 1–2.30pm [Meetup event link here]

Sunday, 2 June, 2024: 1–2.30pm [Meetup event link here]